VMOU Syllabus 2024 in Hindi PDF VMOU Syllabus VMOU Books Download PDF in Hindi VMOU Syllabus 2020 VMOU Syllabus 2021 VMOU Syllabus MA Hindi VMOU Syllabus MA Sanskrit Dlis vmou syllabus vmou m.a. education syllabus.
VMOU Syllabus 2024 in Hindi PDF
Table of Contents
नमस्कार मित्रों, आज के इस लेख में मैं आपके साथ “Vmou Syllabus 2024 PDF Download” | Vmou (Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota) का सिलेबस सभी courses के लिए पीडीऍफ़ फॉर्मेट में शेयर करने जा रहा हूँ |
इस पेज पर आप Vmou के सभी कोर्सेज जैसे की BA, B.Sc, B.Com, LL.B, B.Ed, M.A, M.Sc, LL.M, M.Ed इत्यादि का सिलेबस पीडीऍफ़ फॉर्मेट में फ्री डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं |
आपके लिए कुछ उपयोगी लिंक –
बीए फर्स्ट इयर बुक्स -> डाउनलोड करें
बीए सेकंड इयर बुक्स -> डाउनलोड करें
बीए थर्ड इयर बुक्स -> डाउनलोड करें
बीए क्वेश्चन पेपर -> डाउनलोड करें
एमए बुक्स (फर्स्ट & सेकंड इयर) -> डाउनलोड करें
बीएससी बुक्स -> डाउनलोड करें
बीएससी क्वेश्चन पेपर्स -> डाउनलोड करें
बीकॉम बुक्स -> डाउनलोड करें
बीकॉम क्वेश्चन पेपर्स -> डाउनलोड करें
Vmou Syllabus 2024 – About University
Vmou का पूरा नाम क्या है?
Vmou का पूरा नाम Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University है जोकि Kota, Rajasthan में स्थित है |
Vmou की स्थापना कब हुई थी?
Vmou की स्थापना सन 1987 में Rajasthan सरकार द्वारा की गयी थी |
Vmou का सिलेबस कैसे डाउनलोड करें?
आप इस पेज Vmou का लेटेस्ट सिलेबस सभी कोर्सेज के लिए डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं |
Wikipedia Data
![]() |
Type | Public, Open |
Established | 1987 |
Chancellor | Governor of Rajasthan |
Vice-Chancellor | Prof. (Dr.) R. L. Godaraa |
Location |
Affiliations | UGC |
Website | http://www |
सभी कोर्सेज का डाउनलोड लिंक नीचे दिया गया है |
VMOU BA Syllabus 2024 PDF Download
कृपया ध्यान दें– यह पीडीऍफ़ files Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota द्वारा प्रकाशित किये गए हैं |
VMOU BA 1st Year Syllabus & Books
Course | SLM |
QES Environmental Studies | SLM |
QHD General Hindi | SLM |
RJ-01 Adhunik Rajasthani Gadh Sahitya | SLM |
RJ-02 Adhunik Rajasthani Padh Sahitya | SLM |
SA-01 Natak, Katha, Sahitya, Chhand evam Alankar | SLM |
SA-02 Bhartiya Sanskriti ke Tatv, Pad, Sahitya, Anuvad evam Vyakaran | SLM |
SO-01 Introductory Sociology | SLM |
SO-02 Society in India | SLM |
SW-01 Social Work: Concept, Meaning and Philosophy | SLM |
SW-02 Historical and Professional Development of Social Work | SLM |
UD-01 Gair Afsanvi Nasra | SLM |
UD-02 Urdu Gazal | SLM |
CS-01 Computer Applications in Corporate World | SLM |
CS-02 Web Authoring Tools | NA |
CS-03 Practical in Web Authoring Tools | NA |
EC-01 Micro Economic Theory | SLM |
EC-02 Issues in Indian Economic Development | SLM |
ED-01 Understanding Education | SLM |
ED-02 Understanding Learner | SLM |
EG-01 Poetry and Drama | SLM |
EG-02 Prose and Fiction | SLM |
GE-01 Physical Geography | SLM |
GE-02 Geography of Rajasthan | SLM |
GE-03 Practical Geography | SLM |
GP-01 Mahatma Gandhi: His Life and Work | SLM |
GP-02 Peace Studies | SLM |
HD-01 Prachin evam Madhyakalin Kayva | SLM |
HD-02 Katha Sahitya | SLM |
HI-01 History of India (Earliest Time to 1200 AD) | SLM |
HI-02 History of Rajasthan (Earliest Time to 1956 AD) | SLM |
HM-01 Anatomy and Physiology | SLM |
HM-02 Textile and Clothing Care | SLM |
HM-03 Practical | SLM |
JM-01 Computer Application and CyberMedia | SLM |
JM-02 Communication and Development Communication | SLM |
MT-01 Discrete Mathematics | SLM |
MT-02 Calculus and Differential Equations | SLM |
MT-03 Co-ordinate Geometry and Mathematical Programming | SLM |
PA-01 Principles of Public Administration | SLM |
PA-02 Public Administration in India | SLM |
PS-01 Foundation of Political Science | SLM |
PS-02 Indian Political Thinkers | SLM |
PSY-01 Psychological Processes | SLM |
PSY-02 Psychopathology | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU BA 2nd Year Syllabus & Books
Course | SLM |
QCA Elementary Computer Application | SLM |
QEG General English | SLM |
RJ-03 Madhyakalin Rajasthani Gadhya | SLM |
RJ-04 Madhyakalin Rajasthani Padhya | SLM |
SA-03 Kavya tatha Sanskrit Sahitya ka Itihaas | SLM |
SA-04 Gadh, Samaj Prakaran tatha Nibandh | SLM |
SO-03 Social Research | SLM |
SO-04 Social Problems in India | SLM |
SW-19 Concept, Meaning and Characteristics of Indian Society | SLM |
SW-20 Social Case Work and Social group work | SLM |
UD-03 Afsanvi Nasra aur Tarjuma | SLM |
UD-04 Urdu Shayari aur Blagat | SLM |
CS-04 Operating System | NA |
CS-05 Programming in C | NA |
CS-06 Practical in Programming in C | NA |
EC-03 Macro Economics | SLM |
EC-04 Economy of Rajasthan | SLM |
ED-03 Education and Development | SLM |
ED-04 Education and Society | SLM |
EG-03 Poetry and Drama Part-II | SLM |
EG-04 Prose and Fiction Part-II | SLM |
GE-04 Geography of Resources | SLM |
GE-05 Human Geography | SLM |
GE-06 Practical Geography | SLM |
GP-03 Gandhian Thought | SLM |
GP-04 Peace Movements, Peace Approaches and Peace Process | SLM |
HD-03 Hindi Gadh Bhag-II (Natak evam Anya Gadhya Vidhayen) | SLM |
HD-04 Hindi Sahitya ki Itihaas | SLM |
HI-03 History of India (1200-1740 AD) | SLM |
HI-04 History of India (1740-1947 AD) | SLM |
HM-04 Growth and Development | NA |
HM-05 Diet Management | NA |
HM-06 Practical | NA |
IT-04 Operating System | |
IT-05 Programming in C | |
IT-06 Practical in Programming in C | |
JM-03 History of Mass Communication Media | SLM |
JM-04 Media Writing | SLM |
MT-04 Real Analysis & Metric Space | SLM |
MT-05 Differential Equation | SLM |
MT-06 Numerical Analysis and Vector Calculus | SLM |
PA-03 Indian Administrative Institutions | SLM |
PA-04 State Administration in India | SLM |
PS-03 Comparative Political Institutions and Good Governance | SLM |
PS-04 Indian Politics – An Introduction | SLM |
PSY-03 Psychological Statistics and Measurement | SLM |
PSY-04 Social Psychology | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU BA 3rd Year Syllabus & Books
Course | SLM |
CS-07 Database Management System | |
CS-08 Programming in JAVA | |
CS-09 Practical in JAVA | |
EC-05 Quantitative Methods | SLM |
EC-06 Money, Banking & Public Finance | SLM |
ED-05 Indian Experiment in Education | SLM |
ED-06 Western Educational Thought and Thinkers | SLM |
EG-05 Poetry and Drama Part-III | SLM |
EG-06 Prose and Fiction Part-III | SLM |
GE-07 Geography of Asia | SLM |
GE-08 Geography of India | SLM |
GE-09 Practical Geography | SLM |
GP-05 Gandhi and Other Thinkers | SLM |
GP-06 Gandhi and Contemporary World | SLM |
HD-05 Adhunik Kavya | SLM |
HD-06 Hindi Bhasa evam Prayojan Moolak Hindi | SLM |
HI-05 Contemporary India (1947-2000 AD) | SLM |
HI-06 History of Modern World (1453-1950 AD) | SLM |
HM-07 Communication Management | SLM |
HM-08 Management of Family Resource | SLM |
HM-09 Practical | SLM |
IT-07 Fundamental of Computer Networks | |
IT-08 Object-Oriented Programming in C++ | |
IT-09 Practical in Programming in C++ | |
JM-05 Public Relation and Advertising | SLM |
JM-06 Editing, Layout and Printing | SLM |
MT-07 Algebra | SLM |
MT-08 Complex Analysis | SLM |
MT-09 Mechanics | SLM |
PA-05 Comparative Public Administration | SLM |
PA-06 Local Self Government | SLM |
PS-05 Political Theory & Thought | SLM |
PS-06 Contemporary International Relations | SLM |
PSY-05 Theories and System of Psychology | SLM |
PSY-06 Practical | SLM |
RJ-05 Prachin evam Madhyakalin Sahitya (Kavya tatha Gadhya) | SLM |
RJ-06 Rajasthani Bhasa evam Sahitya ka Itihaas | SLM |
SA-05 Natak evam Vyakaran | SLM |
SA-06 Ved, Upnishad tatha Bhartiya Darshan | SLM |
SO-05 Social Thinkers | SLM |
SO-06 Social Anthropology | SLM |
SW-15 Patterns of Social Work | SLM |
SW-21 Human Development & Various Mental Processes | NA |
UD-05 Tarik,Tankeed aur Electronic Media | SLM |
UD-06 Urdu Shayari | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU BSc Syllabus 2024 PDF Download
कृपया ध्यान दें– यह पीडीऍफ़ files Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota द्वारा प्रकाशित किये गए हैं |
VMOU BSc 1st Year Syllabus & Books
QES Environmental Studies | SLM |
QHD General Hindi | SLM |
ZO-01 Diversity of Animals and Evolution | SLM |
ZO-02 Cell Biology and Genetics | SLM SLM |
ZO-03 Gametes and Developmental Biology | SLM |
ZO-04 Practical Zoology | SLM |
BO-01 Algae, Lichens and Bryophytes | SLM |
BO-02 Microbiology, Mycology and Plant Pathology | SLM SLM |
BO-03 Pterdophytes, Gymnosperms and Palebotony | SLM |
BO-04 Practical Botany | SLM |
CH-01 Inorganic Chemistry | SLM |
CH-02 Organic Chemistry | SLM SLM |
CH-03 Physical Chemistry | SLM SLM |
CH-04 Practical Chemistry | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU BSc 2nd Year Syllabus & Books
Course | SLM |
QCA Elementary Computer Application | SLM |
QEG General English | SLM |
ZO-05 Invertebrates | SLM |
ZO-06 Animal Physiology & Immunology | SLM |
ZO-07 Microbiology & Biotechnology | SLM |
ZO-08 Practical Zoology | SLM |
BO-05 Plant Morphology & Anatomy | SLM |
BO-06 Cell Biology, Genetics & Plant Breeding | SLM |
BO-07 Plant Physiology & Biochemistry | SLM |
BO-08 Practical Botany | SLM |
CH-05 Inorganic Chemistry | SLM |
CH-06 Organic Chemistry | SLM |
CH-07 Physical Chemistry | SLM |
CH-08 Practical Chemistry | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU BSc 3rd Year Syllabus & Books
Course | SLM |
BO-09 Taxonomy and Embryology of Angiosperm | SLM |
BO-10 Molecular Biology and Technology | SLM |
BO-11 Plant Ecology & Economic Botany | SLM |
BO-12 Practical Botany | SLM |
CH-09 Inorganic Chemistry | SLM |
CH-10 Organic Chemistry | SLM |
CH-11 Physical Chemistry | SLM |
CH-12 Practical Chemistry | SLM |
ZO-09 Structure and Functions of Vertebrates | SLM |
ZO-10 Ecology & Environmental Biology | SLM |
ZO-11 Applied Zoology, Ethology and Biostatistics | SLM |
ZO-12 Practical Zoology | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU BCom Syllabus 2024 PDF Download
कृपया ध्यान दें– यह पीडीऍफ़ files Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota द्वारा प्रकाशित किये गए हैं |
VMOU BCom 1st Year Syllabus & Books
- QES Environmental Studies
- QHD General Hindi
- BC-01 Financial Accounting
- BC-02 Business Statistics
- BC-03 Business Law
- BC-04 Business Communication
- BC-05 Business Economics
- BC-06 Business Environment
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU BCom 2nd Year Syllabus & Books
- QCA Elementary Computer Application
- QEG General English
- BC-07 Corporate Accounting
- BC-08 Cost Accounting
- BC-09 Company law & Secretarial Practice
- BC-10 Business Organisation & Management
- BC-11 Economic Policy & Rural Development
- BC-12 Element of Financial Management
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU BCom 3rd Year Syllabus & Books
- BC-13 Management Accounting
- BC-14 Auditing
- BC-15 Insurance
- BC-16 E-Commerce
- BC-17 Banking Law & Practice
- BC-18 International Business
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU BEd Syllabus 2024 PDF Download
कृपया ध्यान दें– यह पीडीऍफ़ files Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota द्वारा प्रकाशित किये गए हैं |
VMOU B.Ed 1st Year Syllabus & Books
- BED-101 Childhood and Growing Up
- BED-102 Contemporary India and Education
- BED-103 Language across the Curriculum
- BED-104 Understanding Disciplines and Subjects
- BED-105 Reading and Reflecting on Texts (EPC)
- BED-106 Learning and Teaching
- BED-113 Assessment for Learning
- BED-114 Drama and art in Education (EPC)
- BED-131 Pedagogy of Financial Accountancy
- BED-107 Pedagogy of General Science
- BED-108 Pedagogy of Mathematics
- BED-109 Pedagogy of Social Science
- BED-110 Pedagogy of Hindi
- BED-111 Pedagogy of English
- BED-112 Pedagogy of Sanskrit
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU B.Ed 2nd Year Syllabus & Books
- BED-115 Knowledge and Curriculum
- BED-116 School Internship
- BED-117 Gender, School and Society
- BED-118 Creating an Inclusive School
- BED-133 Critical Understanding of ICT (EPC)
- BED-134 Understanding the Self (EPC)
- BED-119 Vocational/Work Education
- BED-120 Health and Physical Education
- BED-121 Peace Education
- BED-122 Guidance and Counselling
- BED-123 Pedagogy of Physics
- BED-124 Pedagogy of Chemistry
- BED-125 Pedagogy of Biology
- BED-126 Pedagogy of Geography
- BED-127 Pedagogy of History
- BED-128 Pedagogy of Civics
- BED-129 Pedagogy of Economics
- BED-130 Pedagogy of Home Science
- BED-132 Pedagogy of Business Organisation
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Syllabus 2024 PDF Download
कृपया ध्यान दें– यह पीडीऍफ़ files Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota द्वारा प्रकाशित किये गए हैं |
VMOU MA History Syllabus & Books
VMOU MA Previous Year History
MAHI-01 World History (Medieval Society and Era of Revolution)
MAHI-02 World History (1815-1918) (Nationalism, Capitalism and Socialism)
MAHI-03 History of Modern World – (1919-1945) (War and Industrial Society)
MAHI-04 Historical Thought
VMOU MA Final Year History
MAHI-05 State and Polity in Ancient India
MAHI-06 Trade and Urbanisation in Ancient India
MAHI-09 Bhakti Movement and Sufism in India
MAHI-10 Growth of Administrative Institutions in Medieval India
MAHI-13 Peasant Movement in India (1818&1951)
MAHI-14 Freedom Movements in India (1920-1947)
MAHI-15 Society and Economy in Modern Rajasthan
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Hindi Literature Syllabus & Books
VMOU MA Previous Year Hindi Literature
Programme | Total Fee |
Master of Arts Hindi (Previous) | ₹ 4700 |
Course | SLM |
MAHD-01 Prachin evam Madhya Kaleen Kavya | SLM SLM |
MAHD-02 Adhunik Kavya | SLM SLM |
MAHD-03 Hindi Sahitya ka Itihaas | SLM |
MAHD-04 Kavya Shastra va Samalochna | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Final Year Hindi Literature
Master of Arts Hindi (Final) | ₹ 4850 |
Course | SLM |
MAHD-05 Natak aur Kathetar Gadhya Vidhayein | SLM |
MAHD-06 Katha Sathiya | SLM |
MAHD-07 Bhasha Vigyan | SLM |
MAHD-08 Aadhunik Hindi Kavita aur Geet Parampara | SLM |
MAHD-09 Lok Sahitya | SLM |
MAHD-10 Jansanchar aur Madhyam Patrkarita | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Political Science Syllabus & Books
VMOU MA Previous Year Political Science
Programme | Total Fee |
Master of Arts Political Science (Previous) | ₹ 4700 |
Course | SLM |
MAPS-01 Political Thought | SLM |
MAPS-02 Comparative Politics | SLM |
MAPS-03 International Politics | SLM |
MAPS-04 Indian Politics-I | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Final Year Political Science
Master of Arts Political Science (Final) | ₹ 4850 |
Course | SLM |
MAPS-09 Essay* | |
MAGP-01 From Mohandas to Mahatma Gandhi | SLM |
MAGP-06 Political Thought of Mahatma Gandhi | SLM |
MAGP-07 Gandhian Ideas and Practices after Gandhi | SLM |
MAGP-08 Gandhi and Contemporary Problems | SLM |
MAPS-05 Advanced Political Theory | SLM |
MAPS-06 Indian Politics-II | SLM |
MAPS-07 Comparative Foreign Policy Studies with Special Reference to India | SLM |
MAPS-08 Public Policy | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Geography Syllabus & Books
VMOU MA Previous Year Geography
Programme | Total Fee |
Master of Arts Geography (Previous) | ₹ 6700 |
Course | SLM |
MAGE-01 Evolution of Geographical Thought | SLM |
MAGE-02 Physical Geography | SLM |
MAGE-03 Principles of Economic Geography | SLM |
MAGE-04 Geography of Environment | SLM |
MAGE-05 Practical Geography | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Final Year Geography
Master of Arts Geography (Final) | ₹ 6700 |
Course | SLM |
MAGE-06 Advanced Geography of India | SLM |
MAGE-07 Geography of Agriculture | SLM |
MAGE-08 Political Geography | SLM |
MAGE-09 Urban Geography | SLM |
MAGE-10 Practical Geography | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA English Literature Syllabus & Books
VMOU MA Previous Year English Literature
Programme | Total Fee |
Master of Arts English (Previous) | ₹ 4700 |
Course | SLM |
MAEG-01 English Language Usage and Communication Skills | SLM |
MAEG-02 Renaissance to Jacobean Age | SLM |
MAEG-03 Caroline to Reformation Age | SLM |
MAEG-04 The Romantic Age | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Final Year English Literature
Master of Arts English (Final) | ₹ 4850 |
Course | SLM |
MAEG-05 Principles of Criticism | SLM |
MAEG-06 Victorian Age | SLM |
MAEG-07 Twentieth Century | SLM |
MAEG-08 Indian Writing in English and in Translation | SLM |
MAEG-09 Post Colonial Literature | SLM |
MAEG-10 American Literature | SLM |
MAEG-11 Canadian Literature | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Education Syllabus & Books
VMOU MA Previous Year Education
Programme | Total Fee |
Master of Arts Education (Previous) | ₹ 4700 |
Course | SLM |
MAED-01 Philosophical & Sociological Bases of Education | SLM |
MAED-02 Psychological Bases of Education | SLM |
MAED-03 Research Methods in Education | SLM |
MAED-04 Education Technology | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Final Year Education
Master of Arts Education (Final) | ₹ 4850 |
Course | SLM |
MAED-05 Computer Education | SLM |
MAED-06 Distance Education | SLM |
MAED-07 Comparative Education | SLM |
MAED-08 Measurement and Evaluation | SLM |
MAED-09 Educational Management | SLM |
MAED-10 Guidance and Counselling | SLM |
MAED-11 Curriculum Development | SLM |
MAED-12 Women Education | SLM |
MAED-14 Elementry Education | SLM |
MAED-15 Secondary Education | SLM |
MAED-17 Teacher Education | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Economics Syllabus & Books
VMOU MA Previous Year Economics
Programme | Total Fee |
Master of Arts Economics (Previous) | ₹ 4700 |
Course | SLM |
MAEC-01 Economic Theory-I | SLM |
MAEC-02 Economic Theory-II | SLM |
MAEC-03 Public Economics | SLM |
MAEC-04 Quantitative Methods | SLM SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Final Year Economics
Master of Arts Economics (Final) | ₹ 4850 |
Course | SLM |
MAEC-05 International Economics | SLM |
MAEC-06 Development of Indian Economy | SLM |
MAEC-07 Labour Economics | SLM |
MAEC-08 Regional Economic Development & Planning | SLM |
MAEC-09 Essay |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Public Administration Syllabus & Books
VMOU MA First Year Public Administration
Programme | Total Fee |
Master of Arts Public Administration (Previous) | ₹ 4700 |
Course | SLM |
MAPA-01 Principles of Public Administration | SLM |
MAPA-02 Comparative Public Administration | SLM |
MAPA-03 Indian Administration | SLM |
MAPA-04 Personnel Administration | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Final Year Public Administration
Master of Arts Public Administration (Final) | ₹ 4850 |
Course | SLM |
MAPA-05 Administrative Thinkers | SLM |
MAPA-06 Development Administration | SLM |
MAPA-07 State Administration in the Special Context of Rajasthan | SLM |
MAPA-08 Public Policy | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Psychology Syllabus & Books
VMOU MA Previous Year Psychology
Programme | Total Fee |
Master of Arts Psychology (Previous) | ₹ 6700 |
Course | SLM |
MAPSY-01 Psychological Research Methods | SLM |
MAPSY-02 Statistics and Psychological Measurement | SLM |
MAPSY-03 Cognitive Psychological: Basic Processes | SLM |
MAPSY-04 Social and Cultural Psychology | SLM |
MAPSY-05 Practical Psychology | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Final Year Psychology
Master of Arts Psychology (Final) | ₹ 6700 |
Course | SLM |
MAPSY-06 Personality: Theories and Assessment | SLM |
MAPSY-07 Clinical Psychology | SLM |
MAPSY-08 Developmental Psychology | SLM |
MAPSY-09 Guidance and Counselling Psychology | SLM |
MAPSY-10 Practical Psychology | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Rajasthani Literature Syllabus & Books
VMOU MA Previous Year Rajasthani Literature
Programme | Total Fee |
Master of Arts Rajasthani (Previous) | ₹ 4700 |
Course | SLM |
MARJ-01 Adhunik Rajasthani Gadhya Sahitya | SLM |
MARJ-02 Adhunik Rajasthani Padhya Sahitya | SLM |
MARJ-03 Rajasthani Sahitya ro Itihaas | SLM |
MARJ-04 Rajasthani Lok Sahitya | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Final Year Rajasthani Literature
Master of Arts Rajasthani (Final) | ₹ 4850 |
Course | SLM |
MARJ-05 Prachin arr Madhyakailen Rajasthani Kavya | SLM |
MARJ-06 Prachin arr Madhyakailen Rajasthani Gadya | SLM |
MARJ-07 Sathiyashashtra arr Pathalochan | SLM |
MARJ-08 Rajasthani Bhakti Sahitya | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Sanskrit Literature Syllabus & Books
VMOU MA Previous Year Sanskrit Literature
Programme | Total Fee |
Master of Arts Sanskrit (Previous) | ₹ 4700 |
Course | SLM |
MASA-01 Vaidik Sahitya evam Tulnatmak Bhasa Vigyan | SLM |
MASA-02 Lalit Sahitya evam Natak | SLM |
MASA-03 Bhartiya Darshan | SLM |
MASA-04 Bhartiya Kavyashastra evam Vyakaran | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Final Year Sanskrit Literature
Master of Arts Sanskrit (Final) | ₹ 4850 |
Course | SLM |
MASA-05 Gadya thatha Kavya | SLM |
MASA-06 Natak thatha Natakshashtra | SLM |
MASA-07 Sathiyashashtra | SLM |
MASA-08 Aadhunik Sanskrit Sathiya ka Itihaas | SLM |
MASA-09 *Nibaandh |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Sociology Syllabus & Books
VMOU MA Previous Year Sociology
Programme | Total Fee |
Master of Arts Sociology (Previous) | ₹ 4700 |
Course | SLM |
MASO-01 Foundation of Sociology | SLM |
MASO-02 Logic of Sociological Enquiry | SLM |
MASO-03 Indian Social System | SLM |
MASO-04 Rural Sociology | SLM |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
VMOU MA Final Year Sociology
Master of Arts Sociology (Final) | ₹ 4850 |
Course | SLM |
MASO-05 Contemporary Sociological Theory | SLM |
MASO-06 Sociological Thinkers | SLM |
MASO-07 Development of Sociology in India | SLM |
MASO-08 Criminology | SLM |
MASO-09 Essay* |
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
बाकि के कोर्सेज का सिलेबस जल्द ही पब्लिश किया जायेगा
VMOU Syllabus 2024 – Related Links
उपर सभी विषयों और कोर्स के सिलेबस का लिंक दिया गया है, नीचे कुछ उपयोगी लिंक आपके लिए दिया जा रहा है, उन्हें भी जरुर चेक करें –
- BA 1st Year Books
- BA 2nd Year Books
- BA 3rd Year Books
- BA 1st year Syllabus
- BA 2nd Year Syllabus
- BA 3rd Year Syllabus
- BSC Books (1st, 2nd & 3rd Years)
- BSC 1st Year Syllabus
- BSC 2nd Year Syllabus
- BSC 3rd Year Syllabus
- B.Com Books (1st, 2nd & 3rd years)
- B.Com 1st year syllabus
- B.Com 2nd year syllabus
- B.Com 3rd year syllabus
Thanks! for visiting GKPAD by YadavG. Jai Hind!
downlod nhi ho rha
hey @Opraj, Sorry for the inconvenience.
I’ve updated the links, now you can download files without any problem.
Sir m.a geography syllabus download nhi ho rha plz suggest me
hey @Shahid, MA Geography Syllabus and Books are already given on this page. Please use Opera browser to download these books.