BSc 1st Year Botany Books in English PDF
BSc 1st Year Botany Books in English PDF – On this page, you can download B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) Botany Study Materials (Books & Notes) for Free.
- ➡️B.Sc Books (All Subjects)
These books are published by various universities and colleges and based on the latest syllabus.
BSc 1st Year Botany Books in English by UOU
💖In this section, you can download B.Sc First Year Botany Books in the English language. These books are published by Uttarakhand Open University.💖
📗 BSCBO-101 – Microbiology, Mycology and Plant Pathology
📗 BSCBO-102 – Phycology and Bryology
📗 BSCBO-103 – Pteridology, Gymnosperms and Pale botany
📗 BSCBO-104 – Laboratory Course
⚠️Please leave a comment if you’re having trouble while downloading these books.
BSc 1st Year Botany Books in English by UPRTOU
💖In this section, you can download B.Sc First Year Botany Books in the English language. These books are published by Uttar Pradesh Rajarshi Tandon Open University.💖
⚠️Please leave a comment if you’re having trouble while downloading these books.
BSc 1st Year Botany Books in English by IGNOU
In this section, I’ve given IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) Study Materials / Books in PDF Format. Download Links are given below.
BBYCT-131 Biodiversity (Microbes, Algae, Fungi and Archegoniates)
BBYCL-132 Biodiversity (Microbes, Algae, Fungi and Archegoniates)
BBYCT- 133 Plant Ecology and Taxonomy
BBYCL-134 Plant Ecology and Taxonomy-Laboratory
BBYCT-135 Plant Anatomy and Embryology
BBYCL-136 Plant Anatomy and Embryology
BBYCL-138 Plant Physiology and Metabolism: Laboratory
You can always leave a comment if you’re having trouble while downloading.
Other Subject Books
📍B.Sc Botany Books in the English Language
✔️ B.Sc 2nd Year Botany Books in English
✔️ B.Sc 3rd Year Botany Books in English
📍B.Sc Chemistry Books in the English Language
✔️ B.Sc 1st Year Chemistry Books in English
✔️ B.Sc 2nd Year Chemistry Books in English
✔️ B.Sc 3rd Year Chemistry Books in English
📍B.Sc Physics Books in the English Language
✔️ B.Sc 1st Year Physics Books in English
✔️ B.Sc 2nd Year Physics Books in English
✔️ B.Sc 3rd Year Physics Books in English
📍B.Sc Mathematics Books in the English Language
✔️ B.Sc 1st Year Mathematics Books in English
✔️ B.Sc 2nd Year Mathematics Books in English
✔️ B.Sc 3rd Year Mathematics Books in English
📍B.Sc Geography Books in the English Language
✔️ B.Sc 1st Year Geography Books in English
✔️ B.Sc 2nd Year Geography Books in English
✔️ B.Sc 3rd Year Geography Books in English
📍B.Sc Zoology Books in the English Language
✔️ B.Sc 1st Year Zoology Books in English
✔️ B.Sc 2nd Year Zoology Books in English
✔️ B.Sc 3rd Year Zoology Books in English
📍B.Sc Geology Books in the English Language
✔️ B.Sc 1st Year Geology Books in English
✔️ B.Sc 2nd Year Geology Books in English
✔️ B.Sc 3rd Year Geology Books in English
sir can u pls provide me with botany zoology chemistry bsc 1st year books of lucknow university…
botany, zoology, chemistry Lucknow University e books
hey @Kakul, you can access LU books from these links –
Botany – Microbiology and Plant Pathology – https://www.gkpad.com/sachin/readbook.html?id=qRHFEAAAQBAJ
Chemistry – Fundamentals of Chemistry – https://www.gkpad.com/sachin/readbook.html?id=MxbFEAAAQBAJ
Zoology – Cytology, Genetics and Infectious Diseases – https://www.gkpad.com/sachin/readbook.html?id=SGzFEAAAQBAJ
sir knpg affiliated h Mahatama Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth varanasi se uski bsc 1st semester ki books pdf cahiye
bsc bio h mera
hey @Harshita, MGKVP books are given on this page – https://www.gkpad.com/mgkvp-bsc-books/
sir botany zoology OR chemistry ki books ka PDF chahiye Hindi medium bsc 1st Year 1 sem ki college rajasthan university se affiliated h
hey @Nikita, आप नीचे दिए गये लिंक से राजस्थान यूनिवर्सिटी की लेटेस्ट बुक्स एक्सेस कर सकती है –
Diversity of Plant Kingdom – https://www.gkpad.com/sachin/readbook.html?id=9HnrEAAAQBAJ
Syllabus – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?u=https://uniraj.ac.in/student/syl_N/uploads/B.Sc%20-%20Botany%20Sem..pdf
Animal Diversity – https://www.gkpad.com/sachin/readbook.html?id=mnrrEAAAQBAJ
Syllabus – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?u=https://uniraj.ac.in/student/syl_N/uploads/zoology_13.09.23.pdf
Structure-bonding, Mathematical Concept and States of Matter – https://www.gkpad.com/sachin/readbook.html?id=SnrrEAAAQBAJ
Syllabus – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?u=https://uniraj.ac.in/student/syl_N/uploads/B.Sc.-Chemistry_06.09.2023.pdf
नोट: यह बुक्स कॉपीराइटेड हैं, इसलिए इन्हें डाउनलोड नही किया जा सकता | आप इन्हें केवल ऑनलाइन पढ़ सकती हैं |
sir babulal gaur pg govt.college bhel bhopal bsc 1st year botany zoology chemistry ki books hindi e mil jaige kya
hey @Archana, आपका कॉलेज भोपाल यूनिवर्सिटी से जुड़ा है, आप इस पेज पर बुक्स डाउनलोड कर सकती हैं – https://www.gkpad.com/2021/05/bu-bhopal-books/
नोट: आप एक बार अपने सिलेबस से मैच करके देख लीजियेगा, हो सकता है पेज अपडेटेड न हो |
sir babulal gaur pg govt.college bhel bhopal bsc 1st year botany zoology chemistry ki books hindi e mil jaige kya
Plz gave me the book of inorganic chemistry and mechanics
hey @Prince, you can download your books on these pages –
Chemistry Books – https://www.gkpad.com/bsc-1st-year-chemistry-books-in-english/
Physics Books – https://www.gkpad.com/2020/11/bsc-1st-year-physics-book/
I am in my 1st year of bsc cbz and i am struggling to get the lessons name and can’t find my book please provide me book i am from Maharashtra in virar east and my college is in virar West viva college university pls help
hey @Anshika, your college is affiliated with the University of Mumbai.
You can download your syllabus from these links –
Chemistry Syllabus – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?u=https://mu.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Revised-syllabus-of-F.Y.B.Sc.Chemistry-Sem.I-II-CBCS-Vide-Item-No.-6.5R-1.pdf
Botany Syllabus – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?u=https://old.mu.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/4.1-F.-Y.-B.-Sc-Botany.pdf
Zoology Syllabus – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?u=https://old.mu.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/4.70__Zoology_fybsc.pdf
You can search for books and notes on this page – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php
I need bsc cbz books pdf viva college university in virar waste
I wanted the books chemistry and botany
hey @Dipu, please reply with your university name.
I want bsc first semester PDFs of kuk University haryana
hey @Bindu, you can download book from this link –
Bioversity (Microbes, Algae, Fungi) – https://egyankosh.gkpad.com/page/53530
please send pdf of zoology, botany, chemistry of bsc b.ed 1st year
rajasthan published book english medium
Hello sir,
Iam studying b.sc ( botany, zoology, chemistry) from Maharaja Ganga Singh University.
so please provide link of books ( in English)
because I had no money to purchase books 🥺🥺
hey @Beyant, these are your papers –
Semester 1 – Phycology and Mycology
Semester 2 – Lichens, Microbiology and Plant Pathology
Semester 1 – Lower Invertebrates (Protozoa to Nematoda)
Semester 2 – Cell Biology and Microbiology
(Semester 1)
Paper 1 – Atomics and Structural Chemistry
Paper 2 – Reactions and Isomerism in Chemistry
(Semester 2)
Paper 1 – Chemistry of Block Elements
Paper 2 – Chemistry Organic Compounds
you can search for notes and books on this page – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php
Semester-1 book for B.Sc.Botany in Holy cross collage in kanyakumari district …..
hey @Nancy, please reply with your papers’ names.
hait, bhattacharyya and ghosh book of botany?
hey @Sam, please search on this page – https://ubcn.in/books/search/
hello sir mujhe b.sc ke every semester ke notes chahiye sir plss send me notes and books also. my college is Kalinga university.
hey @Smriti, please reply with your papers’ names.
bsc 1st year ( 2nd paper )
Barkatullah University
botany notes and books
hey @Tara, please reply with your papers’ names. I can’t find your syllabus.
I want short notes on
Unit – 1
1. History of Botany and Indian Contributions.
2. Morphological Characteristics of lower and higher plants (Angiosperms).
3. Types of leaves, Inflorescence, Flowers and Fruits.
4. Structure of Plant cell and cell organelles, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells, types of Cell division.
5. Microscope structure and function of light microscope (magnification and resolving power).
6. Various types of Microscopes: Bright field, Phase Contrast, SEM and TEM.
Unit-2. (1) Algae:
1. General characteristics
2. Range of thallus organization, reproduction.
3. Types of life-cycles in algae
4. Role of algae in nature and its economic importance.
hey @Tara, please search on this page – https://ubcn.in/books/search/
Note – Search by topic, one-by-one.
mujhe bsc ke every semester ki notes aur book chahiye please sir 🥺 clg name sw Malti singh pg college please provide kar dijiye syllabus ke according notes and book 🙏🙏
hey @Smitha, your college is affiliated with Purvanchal University. You can download book from this link –
1st Semester – Microbiology and Plant Pathology – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?id=1cgs15WG08vYg_fm3u8ZvsrMX5q4UQJbr
thanks sir aapne meri problem solve kar di 🙏🙏 sir botany 2nd semester ki book ki pdf bhi provide kar dijiye vpspu ki please 🥺🥺
welcome @Smita Ji 💖.
सेकंड सेमेस्टर के लिए मेरे पास कोई ऐसी बुक अवेलेबल नही है, जिसे आप डाउनलोड कर सकें | लेकिन मैं आपको कुछ बुक्स और गाइड (क्वेश्चन बैंक) का लिंक दे रहा हूँ, जिन्हें आप ऑनलाइन पढ़ सकती हैं –
2nd Semester – Archegoniates and Plant Architecture
Bilingual Book – https://www.gkpad.com/sachin/readbook.html?id=9K3FEAAAQBAJ
English Book – https://www.gkpad.com/sachin/readbook.html?id=5GzFEAAAQBAJ
Another Book in English Language (From Different Writer) – https://www.gkpad.com/sachin/readbook.html?id=8tOdEAAAQBAJ
Notes (Question Bank) – https://www.gkpad.com/sachin/readbook.html?id=4HFuEAAAQBAJ
नोट – यह बुक्स प्रीव्यू वर्जन हैं, हो सकता है कुछ टॉपिक्स न दिए गये हों | उन टॉपिक्स के लिए आप इस पेज पर नोट्स सर्च कर सकती हैं – https://ubcn.in/books/search/
लेटेस्ट अपडेट के लिए आप हमारा टेलीग्राम चैनल ज्वाइन कर सकती हैं – https://telegram.me/gkpadofficial
hello sir ,
Mujse bsc (h) botany 1st semester ki books of Delhi University.
my subjects are ,
DSC 1: Plant diversity and evolution
DSC 2: cell biology,organelles and Biomolecules
DSC 3: Basic laboratory and field skill in Plant biology
hey @Upasana, please search on this page – https://ubcn.in/books/search/
jnvu university bsc 1 st year bio book i
in english
hey @Piyush, Piyush, you can download books from these links –
Semester 1 – Algae, Fungi, Microbes and Plant Pathology – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?id=1cgs15WG08vYg_fm3u8ZvsrMX5q4UQJbr
Semester 2 – Bryophytes, Pteridophytes Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?id=1jCoWdUE16-2Bu5C2OjK_GmtSUrN8cFE8
Syllabus – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?id=19c-TDjZJ6BUwHAK5YiRgBOAA6EQEp056
bsc book download
hey @Vinod, इस पेज पर बीएससी बुक्स ही दिए गये हैं | आपको किस यूनिवर्सिटी के लिए चाहिए?
hello sir
sir mujhe babulal gaur pg govt.college bhel bhopal 1st year ka syllabus chahiye hindi medium all subjects ka
sir botany zoology OR chemistry ki books ka PDF chahiye Hindi medium bsc 1st Year 1 sem ki college rajasthan university se affiliated h
sir Vikram University Ujjain bsc 1st year botany zoology chemistry ki books English me mil jaige kya
hey @Aditya, आप अपने पेपर्स के नाम बता दीजिये मैं बुक्स प्रोवाइड कर दूंगा |
chinndwara university
1st year
hey @Vani, you can download CUC Books from these links –
Paper 1 – Diversity of Lower Plants – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?id=1cwrpdhYG7XOVmVSvSc0MQ8oqo2Evv5fz
Paper 2 – Diversity of Higher Plants – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?id=1PGm0I4jGRgmqGWMCKc1TeVbAX_pZQmdM
Abvp bilaspur university books
zoology ,botany,chemistry
hey @Karan, you can download Bilaspur University Book on this page – https://biharboard-ac.in/bilaspur-university-books/
veer bahadur singh Purvanchal University B.Sc. first year zoology chemistry botany books in English please provide
gondwana university
hey @Sheetal, you can download Gondwana University Books from the links given below –
Paper 1 – Micro-organisms, Algae, Fungi and Plant Pathology – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?id=1cgs15WG08vYg_fm3u8ZvsrMX5q4UQJbr
Paper 2 – Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperm and Paleobotany – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?id=1jCoWdUE16-2Bu5C2OjK_GmtSUrN8cFE8
Bsc me computer science ka course karna chahta hun
hey @Shankar, हम इस साईट पर स्टूडेंट्स के लिए स्टडी मटेरियल प्रोवाइड करते हैं | आप अपनी यूनिवर्सिटी या कॉलेज का नाम बता दीजिये आपको भी स्टडी मटेरियल प्रोवाइड कर देंगे |
Aeadh University
Microbiology and Plant Pathology – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?id=1cgs15WG08vYg_fm3u8ZvsrMX5q4UQJbr
Jaipur University Shri Balaji Mahavidhya. CBH Publication ke books chahiye English Medium Bsc bio 1st year
Sorry @Kuldeep, I can’t provide this book because of copyright law.
We don’t share copyrighted materials on this site.
devi aaheliya Univercity m.p botany 1 paper and 2 paper unified shivlal book English medium
Sorry @Haniya, I can’t provide that because of copyright laws.
Telangana University, Nizamabad
Semester I
Microbial Diversity of Lower Plants – https://egyankosh.gkpad.com/page/53530
Semester II
Pryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Paleobotany – https://www.gkpad.com/download.php?id=1s24XiCAck5U_ge024Usge7qi7-5268eS
Ccsu university meerut
Sir muje botany ki 1st semester book mil skti h
For ccsu university in u.p
Please sir 😣🥺
hey @Prerna, आप अपने पेपर्स के नाम बता दीजिये मैं आपको बुक्स प्रोवाइड कर दूंगा |
Amravati University
books material and exam papers please
hey @Bhaghyashree, please search on this page – https://ubcn.in/books/search/
csjmu (kanpur university) bsc 1st year zbc ki books or notes pdf
Afifa khurshid says
B.s.c 1st year book kanpur university
BSC first year books chemistry zoology botny pdf
hey @Anam, please reply with your university name.
hey @Dnyaneshwar, आप अपने पेपर्स के नाम बता दीजिये, मुझे आपका सिलेबस नही मिल रहा है |
Bsc me computer science ka course karna chahta hun
Sir Bsc 1st semester Sidharth University. Botony
In English
Fundamentals of Chemistry – https://www.gkpad.com/sachin/readbook.html?id=MxbFEAAAQBAJ
Cytology, Genetics and Immunology – https://www.gkpad.com/sachin/readbook.html?id=K7ucEAAAQBAJ
Please search notes on this page – https://ubcn.in/books/search/
I also Know about to bsc 1st year botany books for patna university.
Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University
Tilkamajhi University
BRABU (Bihar University) kaa sara book and notes chahiye plzz
Kota university 1st year one weeek series ya books
hey @Ayush, आप इस पेज पर कोटा यूनिवर्सिटी के लिए बुक्स डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं – https://biharboard-ac.in/uok-books/#bsc_first_botany
Purnea univercity
hey @Devraj, you can download Purnea University Notes from this page – https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19EBblQ0p3q9pE_fpd8REQwSY512I6opE
Bsc 1st year books
hey @Suhani, इस पेज पर बीएससी बुक्स ही दी गयी हैं | आपको किस यूनिवर्सिटी के लिए चाहिए?
Tilkamajhi University