AKTU Syllabus 2023 PDF
Table of Contents
aktu syllabus aktu 3rd year syllabus 2023-23 aktu syllabus 1st year 2020-21 aktu syllabus 3rd year cse 2020-21 aktu syllabus 2023-23 AKTU Syllabus 3rd Year aktu syllabus 2020-21 final year AKTU Physics syllabus aktu syllabus 4th year cse 2020-21.
नमस्कार मित्रों, आज के इस लेख में मैं आपके साथ “Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University Syllabus 2023 PDF” | AKTU (डॉ. अब्दुल कलाम टेक्निकल यूनिवर्सिटी, लखनऊ) का सिलेबस सभी courses के लिए पीडीऍफ़ फॉर्मेट में शेयर करने जा रहा हूँ |
AKTU Syllabus 2023 PDF Download
New Update on 16-October-2021. Directly from AKTU Official Website
- Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
- Computer Science And Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)
- Computer Science And Engineering (Data Science)
- Computer Science And Engineering (Internet Of Things)
- Handloom & Textile Technology
- Revised AICTE Model Curriculum Structure 2021-22
- Honours Degree MOOCs (NPTEL) Courses
- Mechanical Engineering (Automobile Engineering)
- Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing Technology)
- Mechanical Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering)
- Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering)
- Mechanical Engineering (Production Engineering/ Industrial Production Engineering)
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering/CS
- Information Technology/CSIT
- Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Instrumentation & Control Engineering, Applied Electronics & Instrumentation, Instrumentation Engineering
- Electronic Engineering/Electronics and Communications Engineering/Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
- Textile Chemistry
- Textile Technology
- Electrical Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Food Technology
- Civil Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Carpet & Textile Technology
- Plastics Engineering
- Bio-Technology
- Chemical Engineering
- B.Tech Open Elective I 3rd Year (VI Semester)
- B.Tech Common HSMC Course for B.Tech 4th Year
- B.Tech NC Course 3rd Year (V & VI Semester)
- B.Tech. Open Elective II List 4th Year VII Semester 2021-22
- Updated Ordinance – Bachelor of Pharmacy 2020
- Bachelor of Pharmacy 4th year on (PCI Guidelines )
- Bachelor of Pharmacy I, II, III & IV Year syllabus 2019-2020
- B.Voc Syllabus 2021-22
- Automobile Engineering
- Robotics and Automation
- Interior Design
- Banking Finance Services and Insurance (FS)
- Updated Ordinance – MBA 2020
- MBA Common
- MBA (Travel and Tourism Management)
- MBA(Business Analytics)
- MBA(Logistics and supply chain management)
- MBA (Integrated) 4th Year AICTE Model Curriculum 2021-22 K Series
- MBA (Integrated) 5th Year Choice Based Credit System ( CBCS) Curriculum 2021-22 R series
- Computer Science & Engineering (1st Year)
- Computer Science & Engineering (2nd Year)
- Computer Science & Engineering (3rd Year)
Please Note– Leave a comment if download links are not working.
आप उपर दिया same सिलेबस AKTU की ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट से भी डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं -> https://aktu.ac.in/syllabus%202021-2022.html
अब सोचने वाली बात यह है की जब ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट यह सिलेबस अवेलेबल है तो इस पेज को बनाने का क्या फायदा ??
ज्यादा सोचो मत 🤣🤣
यह पेज इसलिए बनाया गया है ताकि जब AKTU साईट काम न करे तो इस पेज को बैकअप के रूप में यूज़ किया जा सके |
आपने नोटिस किया होगा की उपर दिए गये सभी लिंक गूगल ड्राइव वाले हैं, और गूगल ड्राइव डाउन हो जाए यह कभी हो नहीं सकता 😎
AKTU Syllabus 2023 PDF Download
सभी कोर्सेज का डाउनलोड लिंक नीचे दिया गया है |
Syllabus 2020-2021
कृपया ध्यान दें– यह पीडीऍफ़ files डॉ. अब्दुल कलाम टेक्निकल यूनिवर्सिटी, लखनऊ द्वारा प्रकाशित किये गए हैं |
Revised B.Tech 1st Year (AICTE Curriculum ) 2020-21
- Updated Ordinance – Bachelor of Technology 2020
- B. Tech Agriculture
- B. Tech BioTechnology
- B. Tech Common
B.Tech 2nd Year (AICTE Curriculum ) 2020-21
B.Tech 3rd Year (AICTE Model Curriculum)
- Revised AICTE Model Curriculum Structure 2020-21
- Honours Degree MOOCs (NPTEL) Courses
- Mechanical Engineering (Automobile Engineering)
- Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing Technology)
- Mechanical Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering)
- Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering)
- Mechanical Engineering (Production Engineering/ Industrial Production Engineering)
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering/CS
- Information Technology/CSIT
- Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Instrumentation & Control Engineering, Applied Electronics & Instrumentation, Instrumentation Engineering
- Electronic Engineering/Electronics and Communications Engineering/Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
- Textile Chemistry
- Textile Technology
- Electrical Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Food Technology
- Civil Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Carpet & Textile Technology
- Plastics Engineering
- Bio-Technology
- Chemical Engineering
Common Courses (B.Tech)
- B.Tech Open Elective I 3rd Year (VI Semester)
- B.Tech Revised Open Electives for B.Tech 4th Year
- B.Tech NC Course 3rd Year (V & VI Semester)
- B.Tech. Open Elective List 2020-21
Computer Science and Business System I,II, III & IV Year 2020-21.
- Evaluation Scheme Computer Science and Business System
- Computer Science and Business System
MCA (Integrated)
MCA New (2 Year Course 2020-2021)
Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Updated Ordinance – Bachelor of Pharmacy 2020
- Bachelor of Pharmacy 4th year on (PCI Guidelines )
- Bachelor of Pharmacy I, II, III & IV Year syllabus 2019-2020
B Voc. 2020
- B.Voc Syllabus 2020-21
- Automobile Engineering
- Robotics and Automation
- Interior Design
- Banking Finance Services and Insurance (FS)
MBA 1st Year 2020
- Updated Ordinance – MBA 2020
- MBA Common
- MBA (Travel and Tourism Management)
- MBA(Business Analytics)
- MBA(Logistics and supply chain management)
MBA (Integrated)
- MBA (Integrated) 3rd Year AICTE Model Curriculum 2020-21 K Series
- MBA (Integrated) 4th Year Choice Based Credit System ( CBCS) Curriculum 2020-21 R series
Bachelor of Architecture (RAR scheme)
Master of Integrated Technology
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
Syllabus 2019-2020
कृपया ध्यान दें– यह पीडीऍफ़ files डॉ. अब्दुल कलाम टेक्निकल यूनिवर्सिटी, लखनऊ द्वारा प्रकाशित किये गए हैं |
B.Tech 2nd Year (AICTE Model Curriculum)
- Revised AICTE Model Curriculum Structure 2019-20
- MOOCs Courses
- Mechanical Engineering (Automobile Engineering)
- Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing Technology)
- Mechanical Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering)
- Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering)
- Mechanical Engineering (Production Engineering/ Industrial Production Engineering)
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering/CS/CSIT
- Information Technology
- Electronics and Communication Engineering/EL/ET/EI/IC/AI
- Agricultural Engineering
- Textile Chemistry
- Textile Technology
- Electrical Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Food Technology
- Civil Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Carpet & Textile Technology
- Plastics Engineering
- Bio-Technology
- Chemical Engineering
Common Courses (B.Tech. 2nd year)
- Non-Credit Course
- Technical Communication
- Mathematics III (Integral Transform & Discrete Maths)
- Mathematics IV (PDE, Probability and Statistics)
- Mathematics V
- Universal Human Values and Professional Ethics
- Engineering Science Course
B.Tech 4th Year (CBCS Curriculum)
- Open Electives
- Chemical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Electronics and Communications Engineering / EL/ ET
- Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering / IC/ AI
- Agricultural Engineering
- Textile Technology
- Textile Chemistry
- Aeronautical Engineering
- Automobile Engineering
- Manufacturing Technology
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
- Plastics Engineering
- Production Engineering/Industrial Production Engineering
- Carpet & Textile Technology
- Computer Science and Engineering/Computer Science
- Information Technology
- Biotechnology
- Environmental Engineering
- Food Technology
- Biomedical Engineering
B Voc. (AICTE Model Curriculum)
- Automobile Servicing
- Industrial Tool Manufacturing
- Automotive Manufacturing Technology
- Production Technology
- Electronics Manufacturing Services
- Refrigeration and Air conditioning
- Graphics & Multimedia
- Banking Finance Services and Insurance (BFSI)
- Software Development
- Medical Imaging Technology
Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Pharmacy 2nd year /a>
- Bachelor of Pharmacy 3rd year on (PCI Guidelines )
- Bachelor of Pharmacy 4th year
MBA 3rd Year
MBA (AICTE Curriculum )
Bachelor of Architecture (RAR scheme)
- B.Arch Syllabus 2019
- B. Arch. Curriculum Structure
- Updated Ordinance – Bachelor of Architecture
- ORDINANCE – Bachelor of Architecture
- Bachelor of Architecture (4th Year)
- Bachelor of Architecture (5th Year)
Master of Technology
Master of Integrated Technology
नोट– यह आपको पीडीऍफ़ files डाउनलोड करने में कोई समस्या हो रही हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |
Abdul Kalam Technical University Syllabus 2023
उपर सभी विषयों और कोर्स के सिलेबस का लिंक दिया गया है, नीचे कुछ उपयोगी लिंक आपके लिए दिया जा रहा है, उन्हें भी जरुर चेक करें –
- BA 1st Year Books
- BA 2nd Year Books
- BA 3rd Year Books
- BA 1st year Syllabus
- BA 2nd Year Syllabus
- BA 3rd Year Syllabus
- BSC Books (1st, 2nd & 3rd Years)
- BSC 1st Year Syllabus
- BSC 2nd Year Syllabus
- BSC 3rd Year Syllabus
- B.Com Books (1st, 2nd & 3rd years)
- B.Com 1st year syllabus
- B.Com 2nd year syllabus
- B.Com 3rd year syllabus
Abdul Kalam Technical University Syllabus 2023 – About University
AKTU का फुल फॉर्म क्या होता है?
AKTU का फुल फॉर्म अब्दुल कलाम टेक्निकल यूनिवर्सिटी है | जोकि पहले UPTU (उत्तर प्रदेश टेक्निकल यूनिवर्सिटी) के नाम से जाना जाता था |
AKTU की स्थपाना कब हुई थी?
AKTU की स्थपाना सन 2000 ई० में हुई थी | यह एशिया में सबसे बड़ा तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय है।
AKTU Syllabus कैसे डाउनलोड करें?
आप इस पेज पर AKTU के सभी कोर्सेज का सिलेबस पीडीऍफ़ फॉर्मेट में फ्री डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं | यह सिलेबस पीडीऍफ़ files ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट द्वारा पब्लिश किये गए हैं |
Thanks! for visiting GKPAD by YadavG. Jai Hind!
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