UP Board Question Paper 2022 Class 10 PDF
Table of Contents
Hey students, welcome. On this page, you can download ‘UP Board Question Paper 2022 Class 10’ in Pdf format for Hindi, English, Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, Drawing, Economics, Accountancy, Home Science etc.
Everyone is doing their advanced exam preparation in today’s word. So I thought why not published UP Board Question Paper 2022 for Class 10 students, so they can also start their advanced preparation.
Exams are getting hard day-by-day in our country. So, it is very important to study smart and hard and get prepared to compete with other brilliant students. You can also feel the importance of advanced learning.
Enough talking let’s download the question papers.
UP Board 10th Hindi Question Paper 2022
In this section, I have given UP Board High School Hindi Question Paper in Pdf format and also important questions of Hindi subject.
1. गद्य और पद्य में क्या अंतर है?
2. वर्तमान हिंदी भाषा किस बोली का साहित्यिक रूप है?
3. हिंदी गद्य साहित्य के विकास का विभाजन उनके काल के अनुसार कीजिये
4. हिंदी का पहला ग्रथ कौन-सा है?
5. आचार्य रामचंद्र शुक्ल ने खड़ीबोली गद्य का प्रारंभ कौन-सी कृति से माना है?
6. हिंदी गद्य के विकास में समाचार-पत्रों की क्या भूमिका है? स्पष्ट कीजिए |
7. भारतेंदु युग की भाषा-शैली पर प्रकाश डालिए |
8. द्विवेदी युग कौन-से साहित्यकार के नाम पर पड़ा? इस युग की समय-सीमा लिखिए |
9. शुक्ल युग के किन्ही पांच गद्यकारों के नाम लिखिए |
10. शुक्लोत्तर युग की भाषा शैली कैसी थी?
11. शुक्लोत्तर युग के के कुछ प्रमुख साहित्यकारों के नाम लिखिए |
12. शुक्ल युग व शुक्लोत्तर युग की भाषा-शैली में क्या अंतर था?
13. भारतेंदु युग की पांच विशेषताएं लिखिए |
14. सरस्वती पत्रिका के प्रमुख संपादक का नाम लिखिए |
15. जयशंकर प्रसाद के नाटकों की विशेषताएं बताइए |
16. द्विवेदी युग में ‘सरस्वती’ पत्रिका के अतिरिक्त और कौन-कौन सी महत्वपूर्ण पत्रिकाओं का योगदान रहा?
17. शुक्लोत्तर युग का दूसरा नाम है |
18. शुक्लोत्तर युग में कौन-कौन सी विधाओं का विकास हुआ?
19. निबंध का क्या अर्थ है?
20. निबंध लेखन की परंपरा का आरम्भ कब से माना जाता है?
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UP Board 10th English Question Paper 2022
In this section, I have given UP Board High School English Question Paper in Pdf format and also important questions of English subject.
Prose (16 Marks)
The Enchanted Pool by C. Rajgopalachari
Q1. Who was Yudhishthira?
Q2. Where had all his brothers gone?
Q3. Why did his brothers not return?
Q4. What doubts were bothering Yudhishthira when his brothers did not come back?
Q5. What did Yudhishthira find when he reached near the pool?
A letter to God by G.L. Fuents
Q1. Where was Lencho’s house situated?
Q2. What happened at the dinner time?
Q3. What did the writer call as ‘new coins’? Why?
Q4. What harm did the hail rain cause to Lencho?
Q5. What made Lencho sad?
The Ganga by Pt. Nehru
Q1. Why does Nehru want a major portion of his ashes to be scattered our Indian fields?
Q2. Why does Nehru not want to cut off himself from Indian past?
Q3. Which past tradition of India does Nehru want Indians to get rid of and why?
Q4. What does Ganga remind Nehru of?
Q5. How is Ganga the river of India?
Socrates by Rhoda Power
Q1. When and where did Socrates live?
Q2. What did Socrates learn at school?
Q3. What did Socrates begin to think as he grew older?
Q4. What made Socrates famous?
Q5. What did Socrates teach pople?
Torch Bearers by W.M Ryburn
Q1. Whom did the merchant want to give all his money?
Q2. What did the first son do?
Q3. What did the second son do?
Q4. Who satisfied the merchant – first son or the second son? How?
Q5. What have ‘hay’ and ‘light’ been compared to?
Our Indian Music
Q1. Who are Brahma and Saraswati?
Q2. Why did Brahma become sad?
Q3. What is the importance of music and fine arts in this universe?
Q4. Who was Swami Hari Das?
Q5. What did Tansen tell Akbar about Swami Hari Das?
Poetry (7 Marks)
The Fountain by James Russell Lowell
Q1. Who is leaping and flashing?
Q2. How does the fountain appear in the moonlight?
Q3. How is the fountain’s movement different in moonlight and sunshine?
Q4. What happens to the fountain when the winds blow?
Q5. How can you say that the fountain is always happy?
The Psalm of Life by H.W. Longfellow
Q1. What is life according to the poet?
Q2. What cannot be the ultimate goal of life?
Q3. What is not applicable to the soul?
Q4. What should not be our way of living?
Q5. How can our lives become better every day?
The village Song by Sarojini Naidu
The Nation Builders by R.W. Emerson
Q1. What cannot make a nation great and strong?
Q2. What type of people can make a nation great?
Q3. What type of people strengthens the foundation of a nation?
Q4. Who build a nation’s pillars deep?
Q5. What does the poet advise us through the poem ‘The Nation Builders’?
Supplementary Reader (12 Marks)
The Inventor who kept his promise
Q1. What did Edison love to do during his childhood?
Q2. Why was Edison taken out of the school?
Q3. How did Edison’s mother become his best teacher?
Q4. What did Edison think when he saw birds flying?
Q5. What did Edison give the servant girl to drink? Why?
The Judgement Seat of Vikramaditya
Q1. Who was Vikramaditya? Why was he famous for?
Q2. What happened to the palace and fort of Vikramaditya after his death?
Q3. What did the boys do with the green mound?
Q4. What changes were noticed in the boy who sat on the green mound?
Q5. Why could the Kind not sit on the judgement-seat of Vikramaditya?
My Greatest Olympic Prize
Q1. What was Hitler’s Master Race Theory?
Q2. Whos was Jesse Owens? Why did he visit Berlin in 1936?
Q3. What was expected of Jesse Owens and why?
Q4. What did Jesse think might happen if Luz won?
Q5. How was Luz different from other members of his race?
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UP Board 10th Maths Question Paper 2022
In this section, I have given UP Board High School Mathematics Question Paper in Pdf format and also important questions of Maths subject.
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UP Board 10th Science Question Paper 2022
In this section, I have given UP Board High School Science Question Paper in Pdf format and also important questions of Science subject.
अम्ल, क्षार एवं लवण
Q1. धातु के साथ अम्ल की अभिक्रिया होने पर सामान्यत: कौन-सी गैस निकलती है?
Q2. मिश्रित लवण से आप क्या समझते हैं? कोई दो उदाहरण दीजिए |
Q3. लवण किसे कहते हैं? दो लवणों के नाम उनके रासायनिक सूत्र सहित लिखिए |
Q4. एक विलयन में हाइड्रोजन आयन की सांद्रता 10-6 M है | इस विलयन का pH मान बताइए | विलयन अम्लीय होगा या क्षारीय?
Q5. आयनन सिद्धांत के आधार पर बताइए कि HCl अम्ल तथा NaOH क्षार क्यों है?
कुछ लवणों की निर्माण विधि गुणधर्म एवं उपयोग
Q1. विरंजक चूर्ण (ब्लीचिंग पाउडर) का रासायनिक नाम, अणुसूत्र तथा उपयोग बताइए |
Q2. फिटकरी का रासायनिक नाम, अणुसूत्र तथा प्रमुख उपयोग बताइए |
Q3. बिना बुझे चुने पर जल डालने पर क्या होता है? इसके तीन प्रमुख उपयोग बताइए |
Q4. फूली हुई फिटकरी के बारे में बताइए |
Q5. सोडियम बाईकार्बोनेट (खाने वाला सोडा) के उपयोग लिखिए |
धातु एवं अधातु
Q1. भर्जन क्या है?
Q2. अयस्क क्या होते हैं? कॉपर के दो प्रमुख अयस्कों ने नाम एवं सूत्र लिखिए |
Q3. मिश्रधातु किसे कहते हैं? कॉपर की प्रमुख दो मिश्र धातुओं के नाम, संघटन व उपयोग लिखिए |
Q4. खनिज, अयस्क, गालक तथा धातुमल को परिभाषित कीजिए |
Q5. उभयधर्मी ऑक्साइड क्या होते हैं? दो उभयधर्मी आक्साइडों के उदाहरण दीजिए |
सल्फर डाई ऑक्साइड और अमोनिया गैंसे
Q1. विरंजक क्रिया क्या होती है? SO2 गैस की विरंजक क्रिया लिखिए |
Q2. सल्फर डाई ऑक्साइड तथा क्लोरिन के विरंजक गुणों की तुलना कीजिए |
Q3. अमोनिया के प्रमुख उपयोग लिखिए |
Q4. सल्फर डाई ऑक्साइड की पहचान करने के लिए दो परिक्षण लिखिए |
Q5. सल्फर डाई ऑक्साइड के अपचायक गुण से सम्बंधित दो रासायनिक अभिक्रिया लिखिए |
कार्बनिक यौगिक
तत्वों का आवर्ती वर्गीकरण
जैव प्रक्रम
आनुवंशिकता एवं जैव विकास
विद्युत् का प्रभाव
विद्युत् धरा का चुम्बकीय प्रभाव
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UP Board 10th Social Science Question Paper 2022
In this section, I have given UP Board High School Social Science Question Paper in Pdf format and also important questions of Social Studies subject.
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UP Board 10th Drawing Question Paper 2022
In this section, I have given UP Board High School Drawing Question Paper in Pdf format and also important questions of Drawing subject.
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Thanks! for visiting GKPAD by YadavG. Good luck!
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